Welcome to the C-10 Leadership Video Series!

1) Each link below contains a video with a link to discussion questions. If possible we suggest you watch and discuss with your team of leaders as a group (whether it be your church council, elders, staff, ministry team, youth leaders or other group). Not part of a leadership group? Individuals or prospective leaders are invited to watch and contemplate the discussion questions as well.

2) If you feel a facilitator or coach would be of benefit to help guide your discussions, C-10 is here to assist. Please contact: contact@c10coalition.org

3) We would love to hear from you - whether to let us know you watched the videos or if you have feedback for improvements or future content. This helps us plan how we can best reach others and provide relevant Kingdom-focused resources in the future. Again, please contact contact@c10coalition.org or click here to leave feedback.

4) Thank you for visiting, and we pray this will be a blessing to you in your service to our Lord and King!